24-7 Moving LLC

  • Chicago, IL / Moving services within 0 miles
  • $175/hr (for 2 movers after 2hr min)
  • Booked 38 times on MovingLabor.com
  • 4 customer reviews
  • Response Time: Within 12 Hours

About Us

Our goal is to give every customer who uses our service the best experience possible. Our goal is to provide the best moving service possible. We work as a team and as team we strive to the best we can be for our customers.

Moving Services

Load and Unload Help Load and Unload Help
Furniture Moving Furniture Moving

Customer Reviews

Verified Chicago area customer reviews for 24-7 Moving LLC.


(based on 4 reviews)


Malia K

6/23/2023Portable Storage Load

This customer did not leave any additional comments.

Pastor C

2/15/2021Freight Unload

This customer did not leave any additional comments.

Response from 24-7 Moving LLC:

This is a bogus response from a so called Christian minister.......drove 4 hrs with 5 people to help unload a 26ft and 20ft truck. We did not break anything and carried ourselves in a professional.........proved why Christian ministers are nothing but bloodsuckers of the poor and the have morals worse than the people.......the work we did for this man he should ashamed ofhimself. Sad he could not give us a tip but his the first one Sunday demanding to give him donations to his so called ministery.......only reason I commenting is because to say that I am not professional being doning this over 20 yrs and he demanded that I bring folks that are alcohol and drug free  WHICH I DID.........not but a fraud and had no respect for my people who sacrificed to help this fake minister move his stuff..... 

Eric F

5/19/2018Truck Load

This customer did not leave any additional comments.

Response from 24-7 Moving LLC:

This customer did not give us a fair score. Customer was not very well organized and also we were in communication with him at all times. We did not damage NONE of his items. Did a very professional job. Customer very biased about who we are and his view is not reflective of our work as movers and how we care about people.

Yadeale T

8/21/2017Truck Unload

They went above and beyond, highly recommend.

Service Area

We provide moving services within 250 miles of Chicago, IL.

24-7 Moving LLC - 605 E 71st Street, Chicago, IL 60619

Equipment & Extra Services

In addition to labor-only moving services, we also provide the moving equipment, materials or additional services shown below.

  • Can provide packing materials
  • Packing Services
  • Rope
  • Tie Downs
  • Unpacking Services
  • Plastic Wrap ($20)
  • Basic/Standard Tools
  • Disassemble & Reassemble Furniture
  • Floor Dolly
  • Hand Truck Dolly

Business Hours

Monday 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Tuesday 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Wednesday 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Thursday 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Friday 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Saturday 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Sunday 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM

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