When it comes to a DIY move, there are three ways of transporting and storing your household items: A moving truck (like a U-Haul), a portable storage container (like PODS), or a freight moving trailer (like U-Pack). In this article we are going to discuss the freight moving trailer option, also...
Wanting options for moving your studio apartment cross-country? Or maybe just a few pieces of furniture? You might know that U-Haul offers cargo trailers to move your lesser load. But if a tow-behind trailer doesn’t quite fit your needs, you might be left scratching your head about what to do. We’ve...
For Moving Trucks, Trailers and Storage Containers You’ve thought of everything from your hairdryer to the kitchen sink as you have planned your upcoming move. You know when to pick up the moving truck and you've hired movers to load it, but have you thought about whether or not your new...
Every day around the country our movers are busy loading rental trucks, moving containers and freight trailers- many for long distance moves. Unfortunately, hiring professional moving help isn't enough if you want your household items to arrive at your new home without damage; rope and tie down straps are a necessary...
If you are planning a DIY move then you are likely going to rent a moving truck, moving container or freight trailer to transport and store your items. But did you know that each option can have many different size variations? Size options vary from company to company - some only...
ABF U-Pack is a popular choice for customers who want the affordable and flexible benefits of do-it-yourself moving but don't want to deal with driving the rental truck. It's because U-Pack trailers are so common that we wanted to put together this brief moving guide about ways to properly load and...
Many times throughout the week we are asked, How do I schedule my movers if I don't know when my stuff will arrive? Certainly not an uncommon problem for people who choose to complete a DIY move. For those of you who have chosen a "You Load, We Drive" moving company...