With the opening of our newest location in Columbus, Ohio we thought it would be a good idea to get to know the area. While doing our research we were surprised to find that Columbus is actually a widely regarded "up and coming" city with a lot of recent acknowledgements and awards.
- In 2009 BusinessWeek named the city as the best place in the country to raise a family
- In 2008 Forbes Magazine ranked the city as the number 1 up-and-coming tech city in the nation
- In 2010 Relocate America named Columbus as a "Top 10 City"
- In 2007 fDi Magazine ranked the city third in the U.S. for "Cities of the Future"
- In 2009 USA Travel Guide ranked the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium #1
Moving Help in Columbus
Need movers to load your truck or unload a storage container? Get a quote for professional moving help in the Columbus, Ohio area!
Moving Supplies in Columbus
If you have read any of our previous posts you are probably aware that we are not fans of the ridiculous prices retailers charge for moving supplies. In many markets you can find a local wholesaler, used box supplier or reusable crate rental service that will allow you to save money. Check out Victory Packaging In Columbus, they are a wholesaler where you can likely find cheaper moving supplies.