Giving Back

We strongly believe that, in order to be a successful company, we must do our part to make a difference in the community. Our commitment to our community stems from our company culture, which strongly focuses on integrity, responsibility and accountability.

How We Help

We donate one dollar for every scheduled move. In 2013, we donated $16,244 to both local and national non-profit organizations that directly benefited the Tampa Bay area. In 2014, we created a new giving program that allows a different employee to choose a cause or non-profit to receive our donation each month. Each employee is encouraged to select a cause that is meaningful to them.

Nonprofits We Donate To

  • MonthOrganizationCategory
    JanuaryDogma Pet Rescue, IncAnimal
    FebruaryRebel's RescueAnimal
    MarchHeidi's Legacy Dog RescueAnimal
    AprilRonald McDonald House Charities of Tampa BayCommunity
    MayThe Spring of Tampa BayCommunity
    JuneFrankie Finnerty (Medical Bills for Local Dog)Animal
    JulyLost Angels Animal RescueAnimal
  • MonthOrganizationCategory
    JanuaryThe Gathering ChurchCommunity
    MarchAlzheimer's AssociationHealth
    AprilEast Bay Youth AthleticsCommunity
    MayTampa Bay Beagle Rescue, IncAnimal
    JuneSt. Francis Society Animal RescueAnimal
    JulyHeidi's Legacy Dog RescueAnimal
    AugustFeeding Tampa BayCommunity
    SeptemberSt. Francis Society Animal RescueAnimal
    OctoberPaw Print HeartsAnimal
    NovemberHigh Risk Hope, IncHealth
    DecemberRebel's RescueAnimal
  • MonthOrganization
    JanuaryBig Cat Rescue
    FebruaryRebel's Rescue, Inc
    MarchSt. Francis Society Animal Rescue
    AprilRonald McDonald House Charities of Tampa Bay
    MayEpilepsy Services Foundation
    JuneRebel's Rescue, Inc
    AugustSt. Francis Society Animal Rescue
    SeptemberEpilepsy Services Foundation
    OctoberHeidi's Legacy Dog Rescue
    NovemberChildren's Cancer Center
    DecemberClearwater Aquarium
  • MonthOrganization
    JanuaryEquestrian Inc
    FebruaryShriners Childrens Hospital Tampa
    MarchDeanna Mousaw (Fundraiser for Tampa area resident)
    AprilSt. Francis Society Animal Rescue
    MayAll Children's Hospital (St Petersburg, FL)
    JuneEpilepsy Services Foundation
    JulyHumane Society of Tampa Bay
    AugustRebels Rescue
    SeptemberEpilepsy Services Foundation
    OctoberDogma Pet Rescue, Inc
    NovemberAll Children's Hospital (St Petersburg, FL)
    DecemberEpilepsy Services Foundation